Why learn Theta Healing?
There are so very many great reasons!
I found myself reflecting recently on how much I enjoy teaching the wonderful Theta Healing technique.
I have a chance to facilitate other people's learning, growth and empowerment. I just love to watch students' abilities and confidence in themselves grow and develop as they learn.
People are often surprised at what they learn they can do and achieve with Theta Healing. And they are often surprised at how good they are with these techniques.
Such a wonderful sense of comradeship develops in class. Students are able to make many new friendships with like minded people. If you choose to continue on with Theta Healing courses, you will discover, and connect with, a wonderful network of other Theta Healers. I personally have met and made friends with, people from many other countries, which has been a great experience.
I remember my own thoughts when I was about to learn the first, or Basic Theta Healing course. I believed that I would never be able to have skills such as my Theta Healing practitioner had had. That I would never be able to do a healing such as she did. How very wrong I was!
I took the Basic Theta Healing class out of pure curiosity, with no intention at the time of doing anything with the technique. I took the next course, the Advanced Theta Healing class, with a view to using it on myself, friends and family. And I enjoyed the classes and learning so much. I got so much personally out of it that I've just kept going.
I invite you to do yourself a favour and learn at least the Basic Theta Healing course. I would love for you to join the class. You can do as many or as few courses as you choose.
Theta Healing is great because it works so very well and gets to the core underlying issues underneath your problem.
